Tuesday 13 September 2011

raya journey

yesterday 11 september 2011.
i had an enjoyable raya journey.
dgn sape?
with fina, dodo, abg edy and izy (kawan fina)

dah plan a day before.
then tibe2 kwn abah n mak nak dtg.
so sorry mak n abah.
kitorang dah plan.
but we managed to help sebelum kitorang kuar.
supaya ringan beban ibu bapa kami ngee.

first ke umah kwn fina dkt sydney.
smlm lpe bwk camera.
so xde gmbar :(
die tgh preggy 5months.
lame fina x jmpe die kot.
so fina ckp byk sgt ngn die.
we had spageti.
and rumah baru die sewa pon cam sgt comfy.
seronok2. heee
and her husband so loving tolong die. hehe
thank u to both of ya!

second house.
rumah cik awin mama hot.
we came quite early.
not quite early.
too early.
mengaco org siap2 je.
sorry awin.
but awin, her husband and her parents and definitely her family.
treated us well even tgh sebok.
sgt terima kasih.
and eva awliya yg gebu tuh meragam2.
sbb die nak tido.
cian baby eva.
and satu lg nak promote.
laksa was really nice.
di masak oleh husband awin.
sgt bertuah k leh masak satu piuk besar.
dodo makan cpat je licin haha.
btw thanks a lot awin for a great hospitality.

gmbr dgn bonda kene curik dr blog bonda.
haha abaikan gmbar yg blur tapi tgk sedih betul tgk eva nangis. heee

third house sbb tggu lyna.
kami singgah umah ude dlu.
lame xjmpe ude.
heee tmpang solat.
then abiskan kerepek pedas ude.
ude terpakse refill.
and kuih raye ude.
kami pergi lak ke umah lyna.
ude ikut kitrang gk.
heee thanks ude wpun last minute kitorang ckp lmbt hee.

last house umah lyna.
lame xjmpe parents lyna.
and umah pon dah renovated.
sgt puas hati besarkan dapur kan.
kat umah lyna.
makan kueyteow tomyam.
wpun sgt kyang tp mampu habiskan juge.
and kek lapis yg sedap gile wehhhh.
tapi syg lpe bwk camera.
sob sob.
dodo tmbah kot.
btw thank u lyna!!
and sorry makcik saye bwk lyna lari ke kl terus.

last house ialah umah sya.
nasi tomato puan kamisah habis dimakan anaknye sndiri.
ok la.
nanti da ade gmbr upload skit2.


  1. terima kasih la sudi datang !!!! terharu ok.. dapat korek info nak pegi negara orang :)

  2. thanks gak menjemputtt. haha nanti nak g sane ckp ler hehe

  3. satu pengalaman yang menggemukkan hahahahahahahah
