Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
kali ni pengalaman sampai2 dekat glyndwr uni.
nak cakap kan g mane2 la kan.
paling bersyukur KPMSI nye management adalah dikira the best gak la.
dulu tak bersyukur.
dah g sini sana baru rase KPMSI nye keje lg bgus.
even mat salleh pon bwh lg la dr kpmsi.
on 24th september 2010 flight kitorang.
by emirates (semua kitorang beli ticket sndiri. g emirates center sndiri. sbb kitorang plih tarikh ni. stephanie pon decided smua dak msia pergi time ni hahaha *bangga skit*)ahaahha
flight pukul 2 am.
ramai gak kawan2 and sedara mara dtg.
thank u very much.
sgt terharu.
then dah peluk smua.
finally naik flight ke Manchester.

here is Glyndwr University.!!
kali ni pengalaman sampai2 dekat glyndwr uni.
nak cakap kan g mane2 la kan.
paling bersyukur KPMSI nye management adalah dikira the best gak la.
dulu tak bersyukur.
dah g sini sana baru rase KPMSI nye keje lg bgus.
even mat salleh pon bwh lg la dr kpmsi.
on 24th september 2010 flight kitorang.
by emirates (semua kitorang beli ticket sndiri. g emirates center sndiri. sbb kitorang plih tarikh ni. stephanie pon decided smua dak msia pergi time ni hahaha *bangga skit*)ahaahha
flight pukul 2 am.
ramai gak kawan2 and sedara mara dtg.
thank u very much.
sgt terharu.
![]() |
see ramai yg menghantar. thanks everyone! |
mak skolah esoknye so family smua balik awal.
then kwn2 je teman (thanks to lina, teha and pipah)
then da nak masuk departure hall.
dah menangis bagai smua.
ni tibe masenye scan everything.
dah lepas smua.
gate dah jmpe.
and its almost 2am but still ramai beratur dkt gate. 4am and i was hungry.
carik makanan tp smua kedai tutup.
end up tido kt lantai ngn linda ditutupi oleh trolley.
and its 6am tanye2 emirates.
rupenye engine problem blurggghhh.
then emirates bg bilik 2 for each room dekat.
royale bintang seremban.
see pool view gitu. thanks linda jadi model aku haha |
sampai2 bukan masuk blik dlu.
tapi ape lagi breakfast freee.
makan dlu la kan.
lunch free gak.
and dinner free.
nasib service bagus.
then dah confirm flight kitorang malam tuh
at 2am jugak.
so bergerak la ke airport.
mak n abah nak datang gak again.
nmpak dorang je dari jauh dah berderai air mata g.
hadiah bday dr abah. cam budak2 tak hehe |
Alhamdulillah da selesai smuanye.
kitorang pon da standby dekat gate.
tgk betapa excited nye mereka kan heeee
flight kitorang took like 6 to 7hours smpai ke dubai.
yes finally smpai dubai airport for transit.
al kisahnye kan kitorang da delayed kt malaysia.
so kat dubai dorang kene issue boarding pass baru.
so tetibe smua org ade boarding pass.
shahidah nye xde.
cuak la skit tp i know they must be profesional kan.
so die issue tiket lain.
dubai airport *thanks nadia jadi model* haha |
excited gile time tu.
finally finally and finally.
see gmbar last tu cam ngada2 kan haahahaha
after 1 hour lebih tggu.
datang la bus dari glyndwr uni ambassador.
too bad sebab delayed.
bus besar xde.
coach je ade yg kontot.
so bodoh tak bodoh.
luggage bag byk
kene himpit.
ambassador pompuan india.
telah letak kitorang dlm bus cam sardin.
dorang xprepare lgsung ade hal2 begini berlaku.
see seksa taw 45minutes journey. sian everyone tgh pnat. and finally. |

here is Glyndwr University.!!
love u all xoxo :))
Saturday, 17 September 2011
pesanan khidmat masyarakat khas tuk adik2
assalam to all.
today post pasal step2 bukak akaun bank kat wrexham.
untuk glyndwr university.
bukan untuk uk ke.
england ke.
ni tuk kt wrexham, glyndwr university.
macam before saye g uk.
orang kata bukak la hsbc dlu kat malaysia.
pastu sng leh transfer duit kat hsbc uk nanti.
for dekat glyndwr university ni.
just certain bank je die allowed kite bukak bank.
cam barclays and lloyds xleh.
llyods dah xprovide for students.
barclays nak insurance number which kene register and it will take very long4444 time.
cite hsbc pulak la kan.
ade one of our friend.
yg g skali ngn kitorang ni haa.
die kata pin malaysia kan 6 digit.
kat uk pin die 4 digits.
so its a problem.
kite xleh access.
and nak bukak baru pun kat hsbc wrexham tu byk cekadak.
and for students nk bukak akaun bank.
please and please consider byk benda.
selalu nye certain bank akan charge tiap2 bulan means potong duit kite tiap2 bulan.
so saye suggest bukak la akaun NATWEST. (national westminster)
ok ramai je student bukak akaun ni.
not only us.
but other malaysian students pon bukak.
indian students.
china punye student.
die takde charge tiap2 bulan.
bagus service die.
okay g bank islam or cimb (yg kitorang penah experience which is good for us as their services were good) kata nak buat bank draft. fill the form. yg penting. put ur name. name uni. passport number okay.make it in pounds. lagi byk korang buat lg dapat discount. (ask for discounts k)
ok ni step2 nak bukak akaun.
mase induction week or orientation week. ade one day korang kene amek gmbr. register itu ini. and the last stage korang akan pergi it desk. dekat situ kroang akan amek gmbr tuk student card. time tu die bg kat kertas korang punye student id and username and password tuk access website moodle (previously known as blackboard).
Plas Coch Campus
Mold Road
LL11 2AW
today post pasal step2 bukak akaun bank kat wrexham.
untuk glyndwr university.
bukan untuk uk ke.
england ke.
ni tuk kt wrexham, glyndwr university.
macam before saye g uk.
orang kata bukak la hsbc dlu kat malaysia.
pastu sng leh transfer duit kat hsbc uk nanti.
for dekat glyndwr university ni.
just certain bank je die allowed kite bukak bank.
cam barclays and lloyds xleh.
llyods dah xprovide for students.
barclays nak insurance number which kene register and it will take very long4444 time.
cite hsbc pulak la kan.
ade one of our friend.
yg g skali ngn kitorang ni haa.
die kata pin malaysia kan 6 digit.
kat uk pin die 4 digits.
so its a problem.
kite xleh access.
and nak bukak baru pun kat hsbc wrexham tu byk cekadak.
and for students nk bukak akaun bank.
please and please consider byk benda.
selalu nye certain bank akan charge tiap2 bulan means potong duit kite tiap2 bulan.
so saye suggest bukak la akaun NATWEST. (national westminster)
ok ramai je student bukak akaun ni.
not only us.
but other malaysian students pon bukak.
indian students.
china punye student.
die takde charge tiap2 bulan.
bagus service die.
okay g bank islam or cimb (yg kitorang penah experience which is good for us as their services were good) kata nak buat bank draft. fill the form. yg penting. put ur name. name uni. passport number okay.make it in pounds. lagi byk korang buat lg dapat discount. (ask for discounts k)
ok ni step2 nak bukak akaun.
mase induction week or orientation week. ade one day korang kene amek gmbr. register itu ini. and the last stage korang akan pergi it desk. dekat situ kroang akan amek gmbr tuk student card. time tu die bg kat kertas korang punye student id and username and password tuk access website moodle (previously known as blackboard).
*picture from abang google*
second step.
korang masuk
pastu g bahagian international office
pergi bahagian bawah skali ade tulis request a letter
pilih opening bank account
form da ade edit je
Student Number: 10002623
Student Name: SHAHIDAH BINTI AHMAD SUHAIMIDate of Birth: 26/09/1988Passport Number: A22658433
This certifies that the above named person is a current student of Glyndwr University.
If you require further information, please do contact us.
Director of International Operations
Glyndwr UniversityPlas Coch Campus
Mold Road
LL11 2AW
pastu kan click edit my submission.
third step
within a week selalu la g international office.
g office.
g carik bahagian surat byk2 tgk ade name korang ke tak atas surat tu.
kalo xtaw kat ne tye org yg dalam tuh. (smua friendly tapi kene pandai ngampu si ravi lalala) haha
fourth step.
da dapat surat terus g natwest (location : belakang bodyshop akan lalu pebble fish and chip. jgn makan sumpah x sedap. haha pastu nampak iceland so natwest opposite iceland. or lalu tepi mcdonald. nmpak lorong kedai2 belok kanan. natwest kat hujung jalan. korang kene buat appointment if terlampau byk student. if u're lucky on the spot terus boleh bukak akaun.
fifth step
korang first kene bukak basic account dlu ape2pun (mase time kitorang die panggil step account but few days ago die tukar name jadi basic account). pastu korang bukak first reserve akaun (pastikan korang jgn bukak akaun yg kene bayar itu ini) first reserve FREE and boleh dapat interest. so u will have 2 bank cards. but u can request if xnak card for the first reserve. lagi satu NO korang xkan terima kad on the spot. dorang akan pos berlambak2 surat bank kat korang and each of the letter are related to other letter. so keep it!! its for security and korang akan rase excited dapat first letter kat UK wehoooooo. LAGI SATU jgn lupe kata kt org tu korang nak cash kan bank draft korang tu taw!!
sixth step
if takdapat lg surat2 by a week. make sure pergi bank tye. ringan kan mulut taw!!.
kalo da dapat surat. tunggu surat sterusnye tuk dapatkan pin bank card korang. dah dapat. cepat gores dan menang carefully. ikut ARAHAN surat sbb ade je x ikut arahan. gores sesuke hati. number pon xnmpak.
seventh step.
terus g bank and tukar nombor pin. and one more thing korang register la online banking which is really useful bile nak check balance and beli barang online!! then order card reader untuk impress kan diri and tuk transfer duit kat org lain kalo berhutang tgh malam nak on the spot bayar. hahaa.
pesanan saya tuk bahagian bank ni.
1. jangan bagi pin dekat org lain.
2. online banking sgt bagus tp jgn lupe smpan surat2 bank sbb kite nye code mmg xkan dpt dr org lain tuk online banking ni.
3. spend it wisely for online shopping (jgn jadi cam kikda korang oi smpai tharmaruben kata aku ni beli barang byk sgt penuh satu bilik.)
4. jgn culture shock beli itu ini dlu contoh handphone. korang xkan taw tetibe laptop rosak. repair pon mahal. baik beli baru. (jgn hntr laptop kat tharma.hahahaahaha sorry tharma nanti tharma suruh tunggu 1 jam tp tggu 80 hari sbb die busy dgn jaan)
5. xyah bawak cash byk sgt g shopping. bawak debit card je senang wehhh.
good luck and hope it will be an additional info for adik2 kay :)
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
raya journey
yesterday 11 september 2011.
i had an enjoyable raya journey.
dgn sape?
with fina, dodo, abg edy and izy (kawan fina)
dah plan a day before.
then tibe2 kwn abah n mak nak dtg.
so sorry mak n abah.
kitorang dah plan.
but we managed to help sebelum kitorang kuar.
supaya ringan beban ibu bapa kami ngee.
first ke umah kwn fina dkt sydney.
smlm lpe bwk camera.
so xde gmbar :(
die tgh preggy 5months.
lame fina x jmpe die kot.
so fina ckp byk sgt ngn die.
we had spageti.
and rumah baru die sewa pon cam sgt comfy.
seronok2. heee
and her husband so loving tolong die. hehe
thank u to both of ya!
second house.
rumah cik awin mama hot.
we came quite early.
not quite early.
too early.
mengaco org siap2 je.
sorry awin.
but awin, her husband and her parents and definitely her family.
treated us well even tgh sebok.
sgt terima kasih.
and eva awliya yg gebu tuh meragam2.
sbb die nak tido.
cian baby eva.
and satu lg nak promote.
laksa was really nice.
di masak oleh husband awin.
sgt bertuah k leh masak satu piuk besar.
dodo makan cpat je licin haha.
btw thanks a lot awin for a great hospitality.
gmbr dgn bonda kene curik dr blog bonda.
haha abaikan gmbar yg blur tapi tgk sedih betul tgk eva nangis. heee
third house sbb tggu lyna.
kami singgah umah ude dlu.
lame xjmpe ude.
heee tmpang solat.
then abiskan kerepek pedas ude.
ude terpakse refill.
and kuih raye ude.
kami pergi lak ke umah lyna.
ude ikut kitrang gk.
heee thanks ude wpun last minute kitorang ckp lmbt hee.
last house umah lyna.
lame xjmpe parents lyna.
and umah pon dah renovated.
sgt puas hati besarkan dapur kan.
kat umah lyna.
makan kueyteow tomyam.
wpun sgt kyang tp mampu habiskan juge.
and kek lapis yg sedap gile wehhhh.
tapi syg lpe bwk camera.
sob sob.
dodo tmbah kot.
btw thank u lyna!!
and sorry makcik saye bwk lyna lari ke kl terus.
last house ialah umah sya.
nasi tomato puan kamisah habis dimakan anaknye sndiri.
ok la.
nanti da ade gmbr upload skit2.
i had an enjoyable raya journey.
dgn sape?
with fina, dodo, abg edy and izy (kawan fina)
dah plan a day before.
then tibe2 kwn abah n mak nak dtg.
so sorry mak n abah.
kitorang dah plan.
but we managed to help sebelum kitorang kuar.
supaya ringan beban ibu bapa kami ngee.
first ke umah kwn fina dkt sydney.
smlm lpe bwk camera.
so xde gmbar :(
die tgh preggy 5months.
lame fina x jmpe die kot.
so fina ckp byk sgt ngn die.
we had spageti.
and rumah baru die sewa pon cam sgt comfy.
seronok2. heee
and her husband so loving tolong die. hehe
thank u to both of ya!
second house.
rumah cik awin mama hot.
we came quite early.
not quite early.
too early.
mengaco org siap2 je.
sorry awin.
but awin, her husband and her parents and definitely her family.
treated us well even tgh sebok.
sgt terima kasih.
and eva awliya yg gebu tuh meragam2.
sbb die nak tido.
cian baby eva.
and satu lg nak promote.
laksa was really nice.
di masak oleh husband awin.
sgt bertuah k leh masak satu piuk besar.
dodo makan cpat je licin haha.
btw thanks a lot awin for a great hospitality.
gmbr dgn bonda kene curik dr blog bonda.
haha abaikan gmbar yg blur tapi tgk sedih betul tgk eva nangis. heee
third house sbb tggu lyna.
kami singgah umah ude dlu.
lame xjmpe ude.
heee tmpang solat.
then abiskan kerepek pedas ude.
ude terpakse refill.
and kuih raye ude.
kami pergi lak ke umah lyna.
ude ikut kitrang gk.
heee thanks ude wpun last minute kitorang ckp lmbt hee.
last house umah lyna.
lame xjmpe parents lyna.
and umah pon dah renovated.
sgt puas hati besarkan dapur kan.
kat umah lyna.
makan kueyteow tomyam.
wpun sgt kyang tp mampu habiskan juge.
and kek lapis yg sedap gile wehhhh.
tapi syg lpe bwk camera.
sob sob.
dodo tmbah kot.
btw thank u lyna!!
and sorry makcik saye bwk lyna lari ke kl terus.
last house ialah umah sya.
nasi tomato puan kamisah habis dimakan anaknye sndiri.
ok la.
nanti da ade gmbr upload skit2.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Interview session for 40 candidates.
Siap ade name tag.
5 asessments kot.
First essay.
Second debate session.
All the f***ing ca ya nun alif not accepting all the malays answer dgn hati tebuke. (can see through their faces n not only me said like this but also one of my sarawakian interview-mate)
third is aptitute test which is objective questions which i dont like n blah quite early.
Fourth public speaking which i was talking too much until times out.
Fifth interview which im glad that i can answer all the ques.
but just 25 will be chosen. Im strongly believe that i wont be chosen. Smua hebat kottt.
Interview session for 40 candidates.
Siap ade name tag.
5 asessments kot.
First essay.
Second debate session.
All the f***ing ca ya nun alif not accepting all the malays answer dgn hati tebuke. (can see through their faces n not only me said like this but also one of my sarawakian interview-mate)
third is aptitute test which is objective questions which i dont like n blah quite early.
Fourth public speaking which i was talking too much until times out.
Fifth interview which im glad that i can answer all the ques.
but just 25 will be chosen. Im strongly believe that i wont be chosen. Smua hebat kottt.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
nervous dah 2 bulan xde interview.
esok lak ade.
training programme je.
maybe akan byk step.
tak konfiden.
tak taw banking area.
ohhh pening.
doakan saya dapat tempuhi interview dgn lancar ok.
May Allah bless me.
nervous :S
esok lak ade.
training programme je.
maybe akan byk step.
tak konfiden.
tak taw banking area.
ohhh pening.
doakan saya dapat tempuhi interview dgn lancar ok.
May Allah bless me.
nervous :S
Saturday, 3 September 2011
september tahun lepas!
sebelum bgtaw psl sept thn lepas ni.
saya Shahidah Ahmad Suhaimi.
ingin mengucapkan.
salam lebaran.
salam aidilfitri.
kepada smua yg membace.
pohon maaf zahir dan batin jika.
ade salah dan silap dari hujung rambut.
ke hujung kaki.
dari tgn kanan.
ke tgn kiri.
dr kaki kanan.
ke kaki kiri.
dari tinge kanan ke tinge kiri.
pasal sept tahun lepas ni.
hgga sept thun ni.
hampir stahun dah berlalu.
in post2 in the future.
i will story about my life.
started from last september.
byk benda dah belaku.
and xsgka ia berlaku.
so nantikan ye.
saya Shahidah Ahmad Suhaimi.
ingin mengucapkan.
salam lebaran.
salam aidilfitri.
kepada smua yg membace.
pohon maaf zahir dan batin jika.
ade salah dan silap dari hujung rambut.
ke hujung kaki.
dari tgn kanan.
ke tgn kiri.
dr kaki kanan.
ke kaki kiri.
dari tinge kanan ke tinge kiri.
pasal sept tahun lepas ni.
hgga sept thun ni.
hampir stahun dah berlalu.
in post2 in the future.
i will story about my life.
started from last september.
byk benda dah belaku.
and xsgka ia berlaku.
so nantikan ye.
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