Friday 12 August 2011

england riots

few days ago.
ade beberapa org kawan.
tanye samaada saye still kat uk.
they asked my condition because of the riots.
thank you.
terharu sangat.
tapi Alhamdulillah saye da balik.

ape kesahnye sebenarnye yg berlaku kt england ni??
kalo kt msia ni berita selalu pasal kes rogol la.
kes buang bayi la.
tapi kat england ni.
news yg selalu heboh sgt cmni.
ialah pasal.

what happened in england??
selalunye yg buat rusuhan ni.
students or persatuan pekerja yang heboh pasal economy negara.

but kali ni.
its worst than that.
riots this time.
about their protests (mostly tgk kt tv org HITAM).
towards police.
knape lak kan dengan polis?
ok let see this timeline.

4th august (thursday)
Mark Duggan is shot dead by police dekat Tottenham.(org Hitam ye)
time ni ade adegan tembak menembak antara polis dengan gun crime komuniti african and caribbean.
so mamat hitam lain cam xpuas hati kata benda ni illegal.

6th august (saturday)
da start rusuhan dekat tottenham.
keganasan berlaku.
double decker bus kene bakar.
petrol bombs dicampak kat polis dgn building dekat london.
time ni ramai amek kesempatan merompak kereta2 yg ade.
curik benda kt shopping trolleys.
company besar cam jd sports, argos, aldi affected. mesti sales jatuh. huhu
dua patrol cars kene attack ngn teenage protester.
300 org marching depan balai polis untuk.
tuntut keadilan tuk mamat kene bunuh tu n his family.

7th august (sunday)
kat oxford circus, london abis building and property damaged.
dekat enfield byk tgkap kene smashed.
3 polis injured kt brixton, south london.
ramai from outside tottenham join gak rusuhan.
so tu lagi tambah ramai org.

8th august (monday)
hari makin teruk.
rusuhan makin menular.
dekat nottingham.
dekat ealing lak, west london.. keta kene bakor..tesco kene serang.(die serang tmpat ramai org)
api merata2 terbakar dah dekat london termasuk cloydon, south london.
kat south-east london, transport cam bus pon kene bakar.
hari ni 100 org  pulak kene arrests.

9th august (tuesday)
Nottingham police station kene bomb ngn rioters.
outside london pon da kene.
manchester , west bromwich and birmingham (3 places kitorang da g) hehe
bola dekat wembley stadium pon cancel.
malam lak south liverpool pon kene (pray for emma and family will be fine)

10th august (wednesday)
 dekat west midlands keadaan da dpt dikawal.
dekat croydon ade sorang da mati.
dekat birmingham ade 3 org meninggal dunia on hit and run accident.
islam. Innalillah.
805 org dekat london kene tahan!

11th august (thursday)
bola kene postponed ehe.
david cameron pening and announces £10m nak recovery scheme.
oh time ni gak dapat berita budak msia yg kene rompak and jaw die kene operation.
link video nanti akan diberi.
smoga asyraf akan sehat cpat and jalani operation dengan lancar.

fuh. teruk kan england.
bersyukur lah.
dapat duduk kat negara.
ni rusuhan terburuk dekat england sejak tempoh 25 tahun taw.
hope Allah melindungi rakan2 and family kite yg ade kat uk.

p/s sumber dari bbc.

1 comment:

  1. tapi masih ramai lg org2 kat negara kita nii tak bersyukur dengan keamanan yg kite ade hari nii....bersyukur lah dengan ape yg Allah kurnia kan pada kita.......
