Saturday 2 July 2011

it is just a result

Alhamdulillah thank u Allah.
Allah masih bagi aku peluang dapat result yg puaskan hati aku.
tapi aku masih lagi jadi manusia yg teruk.
result ni is just a bonus in my life.
smua yg berlaku pasti ade hikmahnye.
ape yg penting.
kat UK, aku bukan je belajar subject yg ade.
aku belajar dari experience especially belajar mengenal manusia yg pelik.
baru tau mane satu yg appreciate friendship.
baru tau org yg selfish.
baru tau manusia bile xtaw ape2 dtg bertanye, bile da dpt result tak kesah la bagus ke tak.
tapi kata seorang kawan tuh tolong skit je.

for me.
bukan stakat explanation pasal subject tuh je membantu kite dapat berjaya.
support kite sentiasa.
bukan sakitkan hati sentiasa.itu lagi mengdropkan kite belajar secara xlangsung.

thank u so much to my family especially mak n abah.
thak u so much to my sedara mara.
thank u so much to everyone yg hntr kt airport.
thank u so much to farah suhaimi.
thank u so much to KAPAK.
thank u so much to friends yg directly and indirectly bg support :)
special thanks to wrexham community :)
thank u so much to dodo.
thank u so much to linda.
thank u so much to along.
thank u so much to nadia.
thank u so much to emma and family.
thank u so much to u (u know who u are) for ur bad mouth.
thank u so much to ruben and danny.
thank u so much to all the lecturers.

Alhamdulillah Allah kurniakan family dan kawan2 yg mcm ni.
Love all of u.

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