Monday, 16 December 2013

wedding preparation - giveaway by mila kamil

syukur on 7 december 2013 selamat bertunang dengan khairul nizam.

now less than 6 months i need to do the preparation.
but paling sedih nak kawen tapi tak dapat keje lagi.
baru balik 2months but still xdpt kerja.

bila buat preparation cenggini.
survey2. cantik smuanya.
tapi wang pon kene cantik.
but i dont want to burden my parents.

so recently sangat2 teringin nak hantaran fresh flowers.
tapi tak mampu lagi setakat ni.
ade one day.
cam biase facebook walking untuk wedding day.

tetiba ternampak giveaway dekat facebook azmah ahmad wedding decor
just do the simple steps.
one of it is just blog about azmah ahmad wedding decor in your blog
u could win one of the prizes

1st prize : RM300 voucher for HANTARAN deco
2nd prize : RM150 voucher HAND BOUQUET (fresh flowers/artificial)
3rd prize : RM80 voucher HAND BOUQUET (fresh flowers/artificial)

what??  as simple as that?
my sister took azmah ahmad both for her engagement and nikah day.
and i dont want to miss the opportunity for my event as well.
i have booked mila for both of my solemnization and reception.

seee her pelamin down here. cantik gila okayyyy!!

seeee!! gorgeous gila kan!!

see their work. cantik sangat kan!
seriously sape nak kawen.
highly recommended!
sebab customer service die pon i loikee!
buat pon cantik and sangat puas hati!

for me 
yang penting untuk my wedding preparation
Reasonable price with
Exclusiveness and
Luxuriousness with
Friendly and good customer service
this is from bottom of my heart.
sebab mmg penah jumpa mila.
time my sis discussed dulu i pon ade.
yes, thats why she suggested azmah ahmad wedding decor to me.

hantaran mmg lawa jugak.
wahh geramnyaaaa.
to win this give away
i should tag 3 of my friends in blogger community.

here they are:
ana yang nak kawen jugak :) 
the one that inspired me much fina :)
bakal pengantin juga ainna :)
and last is linda yg rajin buat online business :)

thank you :)
mari sebok buat preparation!
pfft :)

Thursday, 14 February 2013


never had a very hectic life like this before.
its totally different on what ive been through during my undergrad.
postgrad or MBA in cardiff university is totally different for me.

58 days more.
cant wait to meet my.
baby aidan mikhail.
and my gemok.
mr dodo.

58 days.
business plan presentation.
business plan report.
individual report.
integrated case study (simulation and individual report)
ib assignment part 1
ib assignment part 2
4 exams in a row.
can u give me time to breath pweety please?

my cute lil aidan. aunty ida cant wait to meet u!