sorry lame tak blog.
kemalasan melanda diri.
ape2 pun.
today's post.
nak cerita pasal.
one place that for me.
sangat lawa.
i've been to sydney, medan, rome, madrid, england and the whole malaysia.
but for me.
tmpat yg plg lawa.
yg pompuan sallu ske.
yg byk bunge.
for sure la kat switzerland.
dekat wales pon ade.
and i love the place so much.
ok smua pon sy study dekat north wales.
north wales is such a nice place.
die wktu summer pon boleh ade snow gak sbb north.
map from :
ini die county yg ade kt north wales.
wales sgt terkenal dgn castles.
dekat wales je ade 400 over castles.
tak caye? tgk link ni. castle wales
and kitorang pon taknak miss la pergi one of it.
ni a part of the castles.
but in north wales.
dekat wrexham ni..
ade castle yg sgt lawa.
kalo pergi time spring sgt sesuai.
as byk bunga2 yg cantik heee.
kalo naik train satu station je from wrexham.
tapi kitorang kene tipu ngn ruben.
'u turun je u nmpak castle tu'
rupenye turun2 nmpak signboard je!
sorry mmg gmbar bagi xlarge kuar skit dari saf.
for readers clear view :P
20 minutes dah berjalan2.
dalam hujan ye.
dah excited.
amek gambar.
rupenye baru dekat gate castle.
another 1 1/2 mile. not km ye.
*penipu punye ruben haha*
kitorang berjalan almost an hour.
nasib baik surroundings.
environment die cantek.
and just only kitorang yg jalan kaki.
due to heavy rain kot.
tapi kami redah gak.
and finally da nmpak entrance.
semangat je.
kene naik bukit lagi cam gmbar hujung tu.
untuk smpai castle.
yg gmbar 2nd from left atas tu.
gmbar gate masuk cam ladang tu.
dgn suke hati nye kitorang masuk.
xtaw la private ke.
tapi gate die sangat unik.
macam main puzzle.
tuk avoid lembu ke sheep ke piggy ke kuar kot.
finally smpai juge!
croeso to chirk castle!
mcm post ni cam panjang je.
im going to do another post.
pasal dalam chirk castle yg kitorang pergi ni.
and something not good happened.
dalam chirk castle.
nak tau ape?
just wait for another post.
thank u for reading.
love u all.